• Update 130323

    This update come in the form of a YouTube video. I’ve decided to take all of my updates going forward to YouTube as well. I hope you’ll subscribe.

  • Update 201022 – The rowers keep on rowing and they’re certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing.

    So I’ve made a couple of decisions regarding this project going forward. I’m getting quite a bit of anonymous mail from alts in game. Love hearing from you so please keep it coming.

    I’ve also gained 3 Patrons so that’s great too I won’t let you down 🙂

    I am in fact going to start moving things a little faster.

    From now on I am going to start posting once a day. Even if I don’t have an espionage update for you I can write a post on something else eve related.

    Last night I was part of a multi-box interview with my indy director alt and a new alt who is a very experienced industrial character, completely unconnected, along with the co-ceo and several other legit (probably) recruits.

    Naturally everyone was accepted and so my 2nd alt in this corp will now act as a voice in the community in support of anything I need them to be in support of.

    I’ve also started talks about increasing security when recruiting because frankly the corp needs it and I don’t want anyone else like me sneaking in and stealing my hard earned bank.

    Even if they insist that my alts both get checked after the fact (as well they should) they’re both clean and unconnected and hopefully will weed out any other little sneaks hanging around the corp.

    I’ve also decided to do a Q&A post at some point soon since I’ve been getting several questions in my eve mail. So if you want to ask anything feel free. Just don’t bother asking specifics about my alts of mains and what corp i’m currently working, I won’t answer those types of questions. Use the contact form here or mail me in game from an alt (or your main if you don’t care).

    Goodbye for now, but not forever.

    Next Liquidation:

    50% to me and my 0 Mega Patrons. 50% to my 3 Patrons.

  • Update 191022b

    A little exciting additional update is:

    The CEO and CO-CEO have starting talking to me about a nulsec move with the desire rent space in REDACTED, apparently talks have been in progress for some time.

    Why is this exciting? well it means structures. Right now we have none in place in order to avoid wars. However I’ve been wanting to bring this up as not only will it help the corp build my bank quicker. But if I can get away with a couple of structures when I eventually cash out then it could be a nice little bonus depending on the structure/s.

  • Update 191022

    I’m successfully in place as industry director. This has confirmed that this group of players does not really consider corp espionage with any planning. besides a small account check on joining.

    In my short time in this corp I have been raised to industry director just through being the most knowledgeable in the field. I am now slowly building up BPOs and Materials in the HQ. Many researching and copying jobs are underway by the corp who are basically just building my bank up. In BPOs alone I have access to about 30b worth. This is a rough estimate as I’m not taking into account research done on these.

    Corp members are producing more BPCs than are being use at the moment. This would be a nice payout but, I can get more and I want more.

    More updates to follow as anything worth updating you all with occur.

    If you haven’t already looked at the Liquidation section of my blog then please at least have a look, you may find it interesting if you’re enjoying my updates.

    Would love to hear your thoughts, or if you’d like to discuss my current or any future “projects” feel free to comment or use the contact section. I won’t give any specifics out in order keep my position secure but I am willing to discuss it still.

    Perhaps I’ll start an in game channel for general chat / feedback.

  • Evaluation

    This corp is very juicy. I’ve possitioned myself in a place of potential eventual promotion with in the corp’s industry field.

    There is a lot of isk moving around at the moment by the industry players here.

    Just from observing corp chatter there is at least 25b+ worth of potentially liquifiable assets being both moved around and produced.

    Friendships have been made including with leadership role players.

    Stay tuned for more.

  • It begins

    Application accepted. Moving first character into target corp.

    Earning trust now begins and assessing values that could possibly be liquidated.

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